Phylogenetic relationships
Phylogen. Verwandtschaften
Taxonomic Hierarchy / Systematik
sorted alphabetically - Arten
alphabetisch geordnet
Phylogenetic relationships of
Frogfishes - Phylogenetische
Verwandtschaften der Anglerfische

Order Lophiiformes (Anglerfishes) - Ordnung Lophiiformes

English: On this page you find a list of all families
of the order of Lophiiformes (anglerfishes) which includes frogfishes
and deep sea anglers. All species of the family Antennariidae (frogfishes)
are listed with links to a short description and some photos.
References: Theodore W. Pietsch,
David Grobecker (1987): Frogfishes of the world / Rachel J. Arnold (2010)
Evolutionary History of the Teleost Family Antennariidae / Theodore W. Pietsch, Rachel J. Arnold Frogfishes (2020)
Species English
- Main page frogfishes - Deepsea
Click here for a PDF with the phylogenetic relationships
of the different goups contained in the family Antennariidae.

Deutsch: Auf dieser Seite sind alle Familien der Ordnung
Lophiiformes aufgeführt, sowohl Anglerfische als auch Tiefsee-Anglerfische
(mit DE für "Deutsch" bezeichnet). Zu den Arten der Familie
Antennariidae besteht jeweils ein Link zu einer Kurzbeschreibung und zum
Teil zu Fotos.
Quellen: Theodore W. Pietsch,
David Grobecker (1987): Frogfishes of the world / Rachel J. Arnold (2010):
Evolutionary History of the Teleost Family Antennariidae / Theodore W. Pietsch, Rachel J. Arnold Frogfishes (2020)
Arten Deutsch -
Startseite Anglerfische - Tiefsee-Anglerfische
Hier klicken für ein PDF mit den phylogenetischen Verwandtschaften der verschiedenen Gruppen innerhalb der Familie der Antennariidae.

Overview - Übersicht

Suborder Antennarioidei
Family Antennariidae
The family of frogfish (Antennariidae =antenna bearers)
comprise 13, perhaps 14 genera.
Die Familie der Angler- oder Fühlerfische (Antennariidae =Antennen-Träger)
enthält 13, vielleicht 14 Gattungen.
Family |
Antennariidae |
frogfishes |
Subfamily |
Antennariinae |
Genus |
Antennarius |
Frogfishes, warty frogfishes / Anglerfische
- fishbase
(Daudin, 1816) |
Genus |
Antennatus |
- fishbase
(Schultz, 1957) |
Genus |
Fowlerichthys |
(Barbour, 1941) |
Genus |
Histrio |
Sargassum fishes / Sargasso Anglerfisch - fishbase
(Fischer von Waldheim, 1813) |
Genus |
Nudiantennarius |
- fishbase
(Schultz, 1957) |
Subfamily |
Histiophryninae |
Genus |
Allenichthys |
- fishbase
(Pietsch, 1984) |
Genus |
Abantennarius |
(Schultz, 1957 / Pietsch, Arnold 2020) |
Genus |
Echinophryne |
- fishbase
(McCulloch + Waite, 1918) |
Genus |
Histiophryne |
- fishbase
(Gill, 1863) |
Genus |
Kuiterichthys |
- fishbase
(Pietsch, 1984) |
Genus |
Lophiocharon |
- fishbase
(Whitley, 1933) |
Genus |
Phyllophryne |
- fishbase
(Pietsch, 1984) |
Genus |
Porophryne |
- WoRMS (Arnold, Harcourt & Pietsch, 2014) |
Genus |
Rhycherus |
- fishbase
(Ogilby, 1907) |
Genus |
Tathicarpus |
- fishbase
(Ogilby, 1907) |
Subfamily |
Lophichthyinae |
Genus |
Lophichthys |
- fishbase
(Nelson 1984) |
Subfamily |
Tetrabrachiinae |
Genus |
Dibrachichthys |
- WoRMS (Pietsch, Johnson, Arnol 2009) |
Genus |
Tetrabrachium |
- WoRMS (Günther 1880) |
Subfamily Antennariinae (frogfishes / Anglerfische)
Genus |
Antennarius |
- fishbase
(Daudin, 1816) |
Species |
Antennarius biocellatus |
Brackish Frogfish / Biocellatus Anglerfisch
- fishbase
(Cuvier, 1817) |
Species |
Antennarius commerson |
Giant Frogfish / Riesen Anglerfisch
- fishbase
(Latreille, 1804) |
Species |
Antennarius hispidus |
Hispid Frogfish / Hispid Anglerfisch
- fishbase
(Bloch + Schneider, 1801) |
Species |
Antennarius indicus |
Indian Frogfish / Indischer Anglerfisch
- fishbase
(Schultz, 1964) |
Species |
Antennarius maculatus |
Warty Frogfish / Warzen Anglerfisch
- fishbase
(Desjardins, 1840) |
Species |
Antennarius multiocellatus |
Longlure Frogfish / Augenfleck Anglerfisch
- fishbase
(Valenciennes, 1837) |
Species |
Antennarius pardalis |
Leopard Frogfish / Leoparden
Anglerfisch - fishbase
(Valenciennes, 1837) |
Species |
Antennarius pauciradiatus |
Dwarf Frogfish / Zwerg Anglerfisch-
(Schultz, 1957) |
Species |
Antennarius pictus |
Painted Frogfish / Rundflecken Anglerfisch
- fishbase
(Shaw, 1794) |
Species |
Antennarius randalli |
Randall's Frogfish / Randall Anglerfisch
- fishbase
(Allen, 1970) |
Species |
Antennarius sarasa |
junior synonym for Antennarius scriptissimus |
Species |
Antennarius scaber |
Spitlure Frogfish / Zweispaltiger Anglerfisch
- fishbase (Cuvier, 1817) |
Species |
Antennarius striatus |
Striped Frogfish / Gestreifter Anglerfisch
- fishbase
(Shaw, 1794) |
Genus |
Abantennarius |
(Schultz, 1957) |
Species |
Abantennarius analis
(Antennatus analis) |
Tail-jet Frogfish / Schwanzatemloch-Anglerfisch
- fishbase
(Schultz, 1957) / Arnold,
Pietsch2012/20 |
Species |
Abantennarius bermudensis
(Antennatus bermudensis) |
Island Frogfish / Bermuda Anglerfisch - fishbase
(Schultz, 1957) / Arnold,
Pietsch 2012/20 |
Species |
Abantennarius coccineus
(Antennatus coccineus) |
Freckled Frogfish / Sommersprossen Anglerfisch
- fishbase
(Lesson, 1831) / Arnold,
Pietsch2012/20 |
Species |
Abantennarius dorehensis
dorehensis) |
New Guinean Frogfish / Zwerg Anglerfisch- fishbase
(Bleeker, 1859) / Arnold,
Pietsch 2012/20 |
Species |
Abantennarius drombus |
Freckled Frogfish / Sommersprossen Anglerfisch (Jordan + Evermann 1903) / Arnold,
Pietsch 2020 |
Species |
Abantennarius duescus (Antennatus duescus) |
Side-jet Frogfish / Seitenatemloch-Anglerfisch-
(Snyder, 1904) / Arnold,
Pietsch 2012/20 |
Species |
Abantennarius nummifer
nummifer) |
Spotfin Frogfish, Coin-bearing frogfish / Rückenfleck
Anglerfisch - fishbase
(Cuvier, 1817) / Arnold,
Pietsch 2012/20 |
Species |
rosaceus) |
Spiny-tufted Frogfish / Rosa Anglerfisch - fishbase
(Smith + Radcliffe, 1912) / Arnold,
Pietsch 2012/20 |
Species |
Abantennarius sanguineus
(Antennatus sanguineus) |
Bloody Frogfish / Blutroter Anglerfisch - fishbase
(Gill, 1863) / Arnold,
Pietsch 2012/20 |
Genus |
Antennatus |
- fishbase (Schultz, 1957) |
Species |
Antennatus flagellatus |
Whip Frogfish / Peitschen-Anglerfisch
- fishbase (Ohnishi, Iwata & Hiramatsu, 1997) |
Species |
Antennatus linearis |
Pygmy Frogfish / Linien-Anglerfisch
- fishbase (Randall & Holcom, 2001) |
Species |
Antennatus strigatus |
Bandtail Frogfish / Gebänderter
Schwanz Anglerfisch - fishbase (Gill, 1863) |
Species |
Antennatus tuberosus |
Tuberculated Frogfish / Tuberkel Anglerfisch
- fishbase (Cuvier, 1817) |
Genus |
Fowlerichthys |
(Barbour, 1941) |
Species |
Fowlerichthys avalonis
(Antennarius avalonis) |
Roughjaw Frogfish / Avalonis Anglerfisch - fishbase
(Jordan + Starks, 1907) / Arnold,
Pietsch 2012 |
Species |
Fowlerichthys ocellatus
(Antennarius ocellatus) |
Ocellated Frogfish / Ocellus Anglerfisch - fishbase
(Bloch + Schneider, 1801) / Arnold,
Pietsch 2012 |
Species |
Fowlerichthys radiosus
(Antennarius radiosus) |
Big-eyed Frogfish, Singlespot frogfish / Grossaugen
Anglerfisch - fishbase
(Garman, 1896) / Arnold,
Pietsch 2012 |
Species |
Fowlerichthys scriptissimus
(Antennarius scriptissimus) |
Scripted Frogfish / "Gestrichelter" Anglerfisch
- fishbase
(Jordan, 1902) / Arnold,
Pietsch 2012 |
Species |
Fowlerichthys senegalensis
(Antennarius senegalensis) |
Senegalese Frogfish / Senegal Anglerfisch- fishbase
(Cadenat, 1959) / Arnold,
Pietsch 2012 |
Genus |
Histrio |
- fishbase
(Fischer von Waldheim, 1813) |
Species |
Histrio histrio |
Sargassumfish / Sargasso Anglerfisch
- fishbase
(Linnaeus, 1758) |
Genus |
Nudiantennarius |
- fishbase
(Schultz, 1957) |
Species |
Nudiantennarius subteres |
Deepwater Frogfish / Lembeh Frogfish - fishbase
(Smith + Radcliffe, 1912) |
Subfamily Histiophryninae (frogfishes / Anglerfische)
Genus |
Allenichthys |
- fishbase
(Pietsch, 1984) |
Species |
Allenichthys glauerti |
Glauert's Frogfish / Glauert Anglerfisch
- fishbase
(Whitley, 1944) |
Genus |
Echinophryne |
- fishbase
(McCulloch + Waite, 1918) |
Species |
crassispina |
Prickly Anglerfish / Stachliger Anglerfisch
- fishbase
(McCulloch + Waite, 1918) |
Species |
mitchelli |
Long-spined Anglerfish / Mitchell's Anglerfisch
- fishbase
(Morton, 1897) |
Species |
reynoldsi |
Reynolds' Frogfish, Sponge Anglerfish
/ Reynold's Anglerfisch - fishbase
(Pietsch + Kuiter, 1984) |
Genus |
Histiophryne |
- fishbase
(Gill, 1863) |
Species |
bougainvilli |
Smooth Anglerfish / Bougainville's Anglerfisch
- fishbase
(Valenciennes, 1837) |
Species |
cryptacanthus |
Cryptic Anglerfish / Verborgener Anglerfisch -
(Weber, 1913) |
Species |
narungga |
Narungga Frogfish / Narungga Anglerfisch (Arnold
2018) - WoRMs |
Species |
pogonius |
Beraded Frogfish / Bärtiger Anglerfisch - WoRMS - fishbase (Arnold
2012) |
Species |
psychedelica |
Ambon Frogfish - WoRMS - fishbase (Pietsch, Arnold, Hall 2009) |
Species |
maggiewalker |
Maggiewalker Frogfish, Maggiewalker Anglerfisch (Arnold,
Pietsch 2011) - WoRMS - fishbase |
Species |
sp. |
Undescribed Frogfishes from Papua New Guinea, Taiwan
and Indonesia |
Genus |
Kuiterichthys |
- fishbase
(Pietsch, 1984) |
Species |
furcipilis |
Rough Frogfish / Rauer Anglerfisch -
(Cuvier, 1817) |
Species |
pietschi |
Pietsch's Frogfish / Pietsch's Anglerfisch - WoRMS (Arnold, 2013) |
Genus |
Lophiocharon |
- fishbase
(Whitley, 1933) |
Species |
hutchinsi |
Hutchins' Anglerfish / Hutchins' Anglerfisch - fishbase
(Pietsch, 2004) |
Species |
lithinostomus |
Marble-mouthed Frogfish / Marmor-Maul
Anglerfisch - fishbase
(Jordan + Richardson, 1908) |
Species |
trisignatus |
Three-spot Frogfish / Dreifleck-Anglerfisch
- fishbase
(Richardson, 1844) |
Genus |
Phyllophryne |
- fishbase
(Pietsch, 1984) |
Species |
scortea |
Smooth Anglerfish / Tiefwasser-Anglerfisch
- fishbase
(McCulloch + Waite, 1918) |
Genus |
Porophryne |
(Arnold, Harcourt & Pietsch, 2014) |
Species |
Porophryne erythrodactylus |
Bare Island Anglerfish (Red-footed Frogfish, Sydney Frogfish) / Bare Island Anglerfisch (Rotfuss Anglerfisch, Sydney Anglerfisch) - WoRMS (Arnold, Harcourt & Pietsch, 2014) |
Genus |
Rhycherus |
- fishbase
(Ogilby, 1907) |
Species |
filamentosus |
Tasselled Anglerfish / Quasten-Anglerfisch
- fishbase
(Castelnau, 1872) |
Species |
gloveri |
Glover's Anglerfish / Glover's Anglerfisch
- fishbase
(Pietsch, 1984) |
Genus |
Tathicarpus |
- fishbase
(Ogilby, 1907) |
Species |
butleri |
Butler's Frogfish / Butler's Anglerfisch - fishbase
(Ogilby, 1907) |
Subfamily Lophichthyinae
Lophichthyinae |
Genus |
Lophichthys |
- fishbase
(Nelson 1984) |
Species |
Lophichthys boschmai |
Boschma's Frogfish - fishbase
(Nelson 1984) |
Subfamily Tetrabrachiinae
Tetrabrachiinae |
Genus |
Tetrabrachium |
- fishbase
(Nelson 1994) |
Species |
Dibrachichthys melanurus |
- fishbase - WoRMS (Pietsch, Johnson, Arnold 2009) |
Species |
Tetrabrachium ocellatum |
Four-armed Frogfish, Humpback Anglerfish
- fishbase
(Paxton, 1989) |
Family Brachionichthyidae
Brachionichthyidae |
Handfishes, warty anglers |
Genus |
Brachionichthys |
Species |
Brachionichthys australis
Australian spotted Handfish - fishbase
(Last, Gledhill & Holmes, 2007) |
Species |
Brachionichthys hirsutus |
Spotted Handfish - fishbase
(Lacepède, 1804) |
Species |
Sympterichthys politus |
Red Handfish - fishbase
(Richardson, 1844) |
Species |
Sympterichthys unipennis |
Smooth Handfish - fishbase
(Cuvier, 1817) |
Species |
Sympterichthys verrucosus
Warty Handfish - fishbase
(McCulloch & Waite, 1918) |

For photos - Für Fotos
Photo Collection on www.frogfish.ch
Frogfishes on www.starfish.ch
Foto-Galerie auf www.frogfish.ch
Anglerfische auf www.starfish.ch