LinksFrogfishes - AnglerfischeFishbase: Family Antennariidae - Frogfishes Fishbase: All frogfish species Tree of life about frogfishes (Theodore W. Pietsch) Frogfish-website of the BayScience Foundation Wikipedia English about Frogfishes - Wikipedia Deutsch zu Anglerfischen ETH Zürich about frogfishes - ETH Zürich über Anglerfische Pictures of skeletons of frogfishes (CAS - family Antennariidae) - Bilder vom Knochenbau von Anglerfischen (CAS - Familie Antennariidae) Photos - FotosFishbase has the largest collection of photos of frogfishes - look at the taxonomy page and click on the link next to the species names Frogfishes from Japan (over 600 photos) Australian frogfishes - Australische Anglerfische seaphotos (specially Australian species) DVD
Deep Sea Anglerfishes - Tiefsee-AnglerfischFishbase has the largest collection of photos of deep sea anglerfishes - look at the taxonomy page and click on the link next to the species names. The Australian Museum has a website with several photos and a good description and some close-ups of the lure, esca and caruncles. Search by Latin name. NOVA has a page about deepsea anglerfishes with some nice photos of living anglerfishes taken underwater. Google image search works quite well, if you search for the Latin names. The Worsley school has a page with photos of living deep sea anglers Some really interesting black-and-white photos and illustrations I have found on Tierlexikon, a German page. Even if you don't understand the text, just hover with your cursor over the text that says "(Abbildung ...)" and a small photo is visible. Then click on the underlined word to see a larger photo. Frogfish forumwww.grimreefers.com a webpage for marine predators, focusing on frogfishes, mantis shrimps and puffers
I identified all frogfishes (anglerfishes) to my best knowledge. Frogfishes
are specially difficult to identify (see tips
for identification) so mistakes are possible of course! Please write
to me, if you have any questions. Latin names according to the newest scientific findings, ITIS Standard Report and Fishbase.
Ich habe alle Anglerfische nach meinen besten Kenntnissen identifiziert. Anglerfische
sind jedoch speziell schwierig zu identifizieren (siehe Tipps
zur Identifikation), Fehler sind deshalb natürlich möglich! Bitte
schreibe mir, falls Du Fragen hast. Lateinische Bezeichnungen nach den neusten wissenschaftlichen Erkenntnissen, ITIS Standard Report und Fishbase.
. Copyright Teresa Zubi